Sunday, August 21, 2011

What day is it????

Waking up this morning I realize two things I have been in the hospital far too long -secondly I had no clue what day it is. I have since clarified that it is Sunday - just turning on the TV and seeing all the political bantering. I have now been in the hospital 12 years....oh wait that is 12 days. It just feels like the previous. They have finally stopped bouncing me around between rooms (must mean I'm behaving finally and not being evicted).
I tried to spice things up for us all yesterday - I had a few minutes of chest pain and shortness of breath yesterday. This led to the excitement of a few extra tests and the heart monitor back on my chest. Good news for all I'm sitting here typing (maybe not such a great thing in the eyes of some - if so stop reading)  There were no blood clots in my legs, no pulmonary embolism. They filled me with some nuclear isotopes and scanned everything. A leg ultrasound on my legs, and my permanently attached heart monitor. Cardiologist said they picked up some tachycardia at some point but so far everything is healthy.
I am processing how difficult my situation is not only on me which is obvious but those that are close to me. One person that I love so very dearly is very much struggling with this. The way this person sees situations like this as "drama" and has needed to simply keep their distance. Its so hard to have them so far away.


  1. I approve your changing of the font to something that is easier to read.
    We're all praying for your health and to be able to come home soon! Let me know if you all need ANYTHING! I know its hard, but you have a lot of people that love you guys and will hold down the home fort until you are better. Don't dwell on what you are missing out on or how everyone is sad that you're sick. Honestly its more important to all of us that we will see you happy and healthy soon. So your job is to stay strong. I know that might be difficult, but we will all be strong for you and you can count on all of us for a little boost.
    Hopefully that motivated you a little bit. That's what I was aiming for. -Jaimie (I can't figure out how to sign into my google account)

  2. So now that they filled you with nuclear isotopes, what super power do you have?! Just know you and Brett are always in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Thanks guys! It means the world to me. The comments are so wonderful. Thank you more than words. HUGS

  4. Terry and I think about how strong you and Brett both are to be able to handle this. And you are handling this, don't let anyone else tell you show them who the tough one is, especially as Joe said above...with your new super powers!!! Remember, we tough ones can cry too!
