Friday, August 26, 2011

Major Change of Focus

OK So I have actual information. Not the kind that actually does a whole lot to help me - but the kind that gives us some sort of focus that was MUCH more productive than the last two weeks.

So to catch ya'll up. And my honesty is going to open up all kinds of let's dive right into it. So the neurologist that initially was part of my specialists team - he of course of the lead being our concern was seizure activity. As I've explained I did not have any seizure activity show on either the initial EEG or the 48 hour EEG. Thus Dr A's determination was that basically something "mental" was causing the issues. A number of things were "assumed" basically it was some sort of a panic attack type response. Therefore, while some doctors were spending their time eliminating life threatening or dangerous issues that would cause similar symptoms, he opted to not follow any neurological path at all - he got the psych team involved.

I had a COMPLETE psych evaluation. the first being a oral/questions etc. with me and a panel of 5 people including a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker and two specialized individuals. The next step was the completion of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). There was something just hilarious about the fact that they had me completing psychological inventory while I was on pretty decent levels of oxycotin, klonopin, ativan, morphine, benedryl and robaxin - if I wasn't on all these meds I'd be having seizures and unable to complete the test. Needless to say I found the test and the questions more than hilarious. You have no idea the things I still think would be hilarious answers. Within 15 minutes of the test being completed the psychologist came to us to say I passed everything and there was no "psychological" reason for the seizures. I have no psychological stress factors and I normal stress in a healthy way. Every thing came out that I am perfectly normal. He then says that the seizures are "psychogenic non-epileptic seizures" He THEN had the audacity to explain that these types of seizures are a result of people not dealing with emotional stress in a normal way.When I asked for an explanation I was told that all they could guess is that the physical stress (although there is no documented case of this) from having chronic pain over the past two years.

Needless to say I had a problem with lack of logic in this. I was then further explained that this was just a "symptom" not a diagnosis. So, the GREAT NEWS it took two weeks in the hospital to "name a symptom" that wasn't accurate based on the definition. I smiled and asked the physicians I saw how we planned to treat. No real answers. The only treatment we are having success with to actually STOP the seizures is a cocktail. I take lyrica 2x a day oral 1 mg 3 times a day, 25 mg of benedryl 3 times a day and IV Robaxin every 6 hours. For my notes we just changed this slightly on Sunday. We were using klonopin vice ativan. I felt like it worked better.

Out for now. Love everyone.

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