Monday, August 29, 2011

No Sleep and Frustration

As you can tell by the title - I have not been sleeping so hot the last couple of nights. the morphine pump helps however my pelvic pain has increased to such that as soon as my dose drops a little i wake up hurting. For now we are waiting for the doctor. I am hoping we will have some information from the CT scan of my pelvis. New pretty extreme change in the pain lately. I am not sure what has changed. I am wondering if I either did something during an "episode"  or if it is just getting worse. I am having to increase my pain meds greatly. That being said - if something is spelled wrong so sad so sorry.  I keep drifting in and out

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, it seems you are lucky to be semi-coherent! With a constant dose of morphine along with your "cocktail" would have put a lesser person down. Thinking about you, I'm glad you had some company this past weekend to "just be there", sometimes that is all we need, is someone to "just be there". Wishing and hoping you have a better week!...Barbara
