Sunday, August 19, 2012

Day 5 Hospital 2012

For those that may not be aware my news temporary address is Cedar Sinai room 4109. Like said its been 5 days, 5 IVs (apparently my body is rejecting them) which considering IV is to stop seizure or stop pain I am annoyed. The nurses are discussing starting a Picc line to result in fewer problems.

My seizure meds are still being fiddled with. I also have noticed that pain is a trigger which we are addressing unfortunately for me that is via morphine which is a very temporary solution.

I am going to apologize here bc writing this isn't easy. I feel it is very important so please understand my errors and mistakes.

I have a new internist- Dr Wool. His intelligence,  excitement and intrigue for what he does shocks me each day.  He has called in a team of rheumatologists that are certain I have an autoimmune disorder. No this isn't new. We have heard and played it before. One thought is it it flares and tests will show better now than during a non-flare. So we did a lumbar puncture twice. I have officially experienced the most painful experience of my life. Part of the results are back and all we have learned is I failed to be vaccinated against Hep B (or it wore out) lots still pending. I would have happily gotten the damn vaccine vs the test for future reference. I have never been one to scream during intense pain - quite opposite. Very quiet cry am internalize. Its been I think two days and I am humiliated at my level of volume, pain and telling the doctor to quit midway. Instead he ignored my rants and did punctured again. I never doubted the spine held all nerve endings- you wouldn't believe the place it incited level 20 on a 10 being the highest pain level possible. Evil!

Last night I had an MRA to check the varying vessels in my neck and brain - with the help of contrast. After they were so generous to share the images. What am amazing view of my own body.

I am starting to experience strong pain so for now that's good bye. Please feel free to comment here, facebook or text. I miss he so much but not soon.

I am dedicating this to Heather Edwards. This past week she was lost after giving birth. I wish had told her that her strength and kindness during a very difficult time kept me at work smiling. It was the beginning of this illness - I had knives coming from all directions. I consider myself blessed. I know being a mother was her dream. I will never understand. I know God is with her husband, baby, family and friends. Please pray for them.


  1. Sarah, this crazy roller coaster won't stop! I'm deeply sorry for your pain. I don't know what I can do to help. I think of you and Brett daily. I hope there is an answer in sight.
    I'm sorry for your friend as well. At some point we lose our youth and become mortal. I see it happening to the "kids" I grew up with. Myself included. You never know what life will bring you.
    Can't say more than Love You.

  2. Holy cow woman! You are so in our prayer. To my thinking, the more tests they run, maybe not lumbar puncture, but others, the better informed all concerned are. Take care sweetie.

    Dawn Hoskins
