Through this struggle I have spent so much time in self reflection. Learning more about mindfulness (something I had NEVER even heard of before last August) and really trying to strengthen my personal spiritual beliefs and relationship. The mindfulness part I am still working on - don't asked me for a definition off the top of my head just yet.
I consider myself a Christian. I believe that Jesus died for our sins. At them same time perhaps I am unique, I believe we can learn a lot from other spiritual beliefs. More than I can count I have been touched and lead to prayer and deep thought by teachings from the Dahli Lama and Buddha just as examples. I am not party of a church. I have many personal reasons. Perhaps them easiest for me is that for me my spiritual journey and relationship with a higher power is mine. I choose to not feel required to follow a groups rules. That is a very personal decision for each individual.
God has provided me with support, strength, motivation, love and so much more from so many sources. It has been amazing. Coming out of the hospital in August he provided a doctor who I truly credit with my life. He is of the Sikh religion. He is peaceful, smart, compassionate, empathetic, strong in ways no other doctor and few people I have ever met. He cares about his patients as a whole person. He immediately not only was treating me with traditional Western medicine but also a variety of time tested Eastern techniques including private yoga sessions to address my health issues (not fitness as we usually associate). Special types of breathing, transfer of relaxation so many amazing spiritual healing connections. I don't know them words to explain this blessed experience.
Acupuncture has been a massive part of not only my weekly treatment but instrumental in my current diagnosis, pain relief, nausea treatment, headache treatment, seizure treatment, emotional balance - all limiting the number of medications I have had to take as well as allowing me to become more in touch with my body.
Through all of this I read a book by popular author Dr. Andrew Weill "Spontaneous Happiness". It did such an awesome job bringing so many of my personal experiences into words. He also has a book I learned about in the same book called "Spontaneous Healing". I am just starting to read this. I already can highly recommend both books. I'm not one for self help books and such, but given them challenges I have been facing I found his experiences and explanations inspiring and helpful in so many ways.
So how has this all affected me and my decisions, day to day living... one of my hardest struggles was how do I continue to work with all of these symptoms I am experiencing. The brain fog, slow cognitive function, tremors, severe fatigue, not to mention no longer being able to travel due to the seizures. The list felt never ending and overwhelming. I prayed for guidance read scripture, talked with my husband, family, friends, therapist. The guidance didn't touch my heart. I was really stressing. One evening as I was trying to relax and Brett was watching TV a wounded Marine came on, he said Sarah, you'll want to see this. I sat and watched a young Marine that had lost 3 of his four limbs. He proudly wore his uniform and was surrounded by his Marine brothers. As he spoke his pride and strength was undeniable. It wasn't a show for tv, he said he would go again knowing the end result. He had plans for life, he saw this not as the ends of his life but the beginning of a new adventure. In that moment my answer about work was crystal clear. He was my messenger. I will keep working. I will face my challenges head on. I will see this as a new adventure. My struggles are minimal compared to what he is facing AND he would do it again for our freedom, for the very life I am taking for granted.
I am working on remembering that precious lesson every moment of every day. Today I seemed to have lost sight of it. Tomorrow is another day. To all the wounded warriors that find the strength and motivation of the young man I saw that night - I know great things are coming your way. You are true heroes. And to that young man on TV that night - God Bless You!
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