Loneliness. Everything about this whole situation is just that, lonely. I have all these wonderful people everywhere that I know love me. They all seem like reflections in a mirror. I hear the words of concern, I see the loving actions, i feel the loving hugs. Somehow its all there but it feels distant. It seems no matter what in the end I am alone.
No one else feels the pain, the frustration, fear. I am alone in bed lucky if I'm sleeping, coping with the pain while everyone else goes to work each morning. I remember days when I would drag myself out of bed tired from travel, work, overtime. Now I lay alone wondering if I will ever be able to feel that tiredness again. Feel the source of accomplishment of a project completed. Will I ever again feel the pride of being part of something so powerful that I know we are saving lives?
My kids ask for a ride somewhere, girls day, shooting with the guys, mobbing in the desert. I pass. Instead, they find substitutes and I lay alone. I feel the disappointment of precious memories missed, the frustration of yet again Mom can't be there. I lay alone as I missed my sons first wrestling matches of high school. Instead of seeing him accomplishing dreams or being there for his defeat, I am coping with pain, seizures whatever life has thrown at me. My children have had to learn to protects my disappointment and their's by "understanding", not wanting me there anyway. There is no understanding. Its nothing more than a word we are supposed to use to be positive. Support each other...
My husband no longer has a wife. I am some kind of dependant nightmare. I can't drive myself anywhere. I am emotional. I am on pain. Our time together is my illness, my pain. He is both parents, both incomes, my caregiver. While he should be at work, meetings, on travel he is chasing a rainbow of diagnosis with me. Looking for the leprechan at the bottom that just doesn't exist. I lay alone and watch the career he has worked so hard to build crumble.
I watch as friends bring me lunch, dinners, come to visit. I have a glorious time and shortly send them off to return to their lives and I return to pain, loneliness. I have no basis of normal conversation anymore. I bore myself just hearing me talk. How am I feeling? How did the test results come out? How is the pain? Do the doctors have any ideas? What's next? Are you able to work?
I feel like shit. Everything in my body basically hurts, I am so exhausted I could sleep 24 hrs a day. Instead I say something like OK, fine, good. I am embarrassed by pity and concern afyer so much time. I don't want to expand on what hurts, why do I think it hurts? What did I do that might have caused it? Have you tried...? I have no clue. Just ask the doctors, "I am stumped" "Its all in my head, "I need Dr House "(a fictional character that solves cases because he has a script)...
The tests, ya well they are "normal". The fucked up part - I am hoping and praying for bad test results! I WANT the phone call that says, I have bad news. At this point, if its "normal" I don't want to know. Normal has somehow become bad news!
What's next....well that would be another specialist, some new meds that make me somehow make me feel worse than I already do and they fix nothing In fact, if we're real lucky they will create a new symptom. Remember this step includes: renting cars because a Ford Expedition and $4.25+ a gallon for gas isn't affordable and adding a car payment right now makes even less sense. My husband misses a day or two a week of work driving me 145 miles each way to the specialist of the month, who will bless us with 10-15 mins of his or her time, order tests that have to be done near his office (on a different day). (Insert here - Being a relentless optimist I am sure this is it, we have found the answer, I emotionally embrace what's coming.) Oh, no fear the driving isn't over, I will go back again after the test results were normal for a follow up and "This is probably all psychological (because I'm the best dr in the world and if I can't figure it out then you are making it up) OR " Well, since the tests are all normal you should probably get xyz tested but that is done by next months specialist, I can give you a few referrals"...and yep you're right start process again.
Work, hahaha... I have the blessing of being able to work from home. How hard can it be to just put the laptop next to me in bed, on my lap on the recliner in my jammies at that? No effort, right? My body and brain disagree! My brain has dropped 40 IQ points, just mush. The pain, exhaustion/insomnia, meds all play against me. I turn the computer on and before its even loaded everything I am asleep again. I wake up if I start hurting, the phone rings or someone comes home. Caffeine should help this problem, "we all get tired during the day I have heard SO many times". Caffeine, yep wakes me up (maybe 20% of the time), or it gives me terrible stomach problems, if it works, I start typing, next thing I know my right arm is tremoring and my right hand resembles more of a claw than a hand...neither are very effective in typing or using a mouse of any sort. The tremor and caffeine stimulate the pain, now I am exhausted, have more pain and I can't be still so sleep is out of the question. Everyone has generosly donated thousands of hours of leave which ran out sometime ago. I accept taking leave without pay. I have learned to accept that deadlines that I would have never missed come and go - project incomplete. My only response - I am doing the best I can. All those years proving my 100% dependability, initiative, strong work ethic, intelligence, ability - thrown out with my extinct, dreams and goals. I've been told perhaps I should consider my options, quit working? I can't medically retire with no diagnosis! We can't keep paying for the mounting medical bills if there is no income because we are chasing answers. If I had a diagnosis perhaps I will know what I'm facing, get treatment instead of bandaids on the gushing wound and I would HAVE options.
At what point do I stop looking for answers? At what point does this process become futile? I am a fighter, I was a fighter. Am I fighting something that doesn't even exist? If I stop fighting do I accept that this will be my life forever? Me, watching everyone else live their lives, their dreams while I lay in pain and exhaustion for no reason? Giving up a career, retirement/disability I worked hard to have that security?
I have made a point to be positive this entire battle. I have been told that it will help heal me. Don't give the negativity power. This blog sounds negative. Its not meant as that. It's me putting words to my reality I am living everyday. I am taking off pretty dresses, the makep, the stilettoes. Here I am in my pjs, broken out skin and uncombed knotted, hair falling out, messy bun.
I am beyond thankful and blessed by so many amazing people. I remember it and feel it all the time. I have to be honest though. I don't share this for pity. I am tired of pity. I am tired of being a burden. I am tired of needing help and I am not asking for it. I am sharing my reality for someone out there that is going through their own struggles. You're not alone, I'm not alone, I feel alone but it is my fear, my pain, my anger talking. I don't know if answers will ever come. Today I had tons of blood taken. It took everything in me to get it done. My greatest fear is more normals. My optimism is gone. I dread getting results for all the opposite reasons. God, my family, my friends, my external strength will get me through this time, next time and always.